

伟德BETVlCTOR1946 we focus on students and a simple principle – 边做边学. 在20世纪20年代末, a young science teacher joined Webb and set about developing his passion for the study of life. Ray Alf became internationally renowned for engaging students in real science through paleontology. His passion for paleontology led to the development of the only accredited museum of paleontology on a school campus anywhere in the world. 今天,他的奉献 边做边学 在每个学术部门的工作中都能看到吗, 下午的活动, 我们的实地研究和学术伙伴关系, 以及其他许多特殊的全校范围内的项目. 这就是Alf方法.




Webb’s 24/7 learning community engages students through directed discovery learning. 无论是在科学实验室还是在人文课堂, our faculty serve as learning coaches who guide students in an active learning environment that allows them not only to acquire a core body of knowledge but also teaches them how to inquire and investigate using the latest methods of scholars and researchers.

Our problem-based mathematics program moves students through advanced calculus, not through rote practice of skills in isolated units but by building problem solving skills as students together and with their teacher tackle real-life problems that often combine various branches of mathematics.

Our humanities program and faculty develop students’ abilities to construct arguments and mount evidence in classroom debates, and many students choose to build on this training by participating in interscholastic competitions as part of our debate team.

下午活动, our robotics program fuses math and science as students work in a team to design and build an autonomous robot to compete in First Robotics Competitions, 学习和运用工程的关键原理, 团队合作与设计.

在整个项目中, 学生是伟德BETVlCTOR1946学院学术项目的中心, actively engaged in designing their own education in classes that blend content, 理论和活动创造丰富, 多学科学习经历.





Students physically engage in their learning through hands-on activities and creative enterprises.


Students deepen their understanding by exploring a range of perspectives on issues.




Students work in small groups, combining strengths, teaching each other and learning to collaborate.


课程不仅仅是为了找到正确答案, 而是伟德BETVlCTOR1946选择的道路和对失误的理解.


学生们参与设计自己的教育, asking questions and identifying problems with support from their teachers.

案例研究: Victor Zhang, 22岁, 谁打算成为一名机械工程师, 获得设计许可和支持, 在一个自由的街区建立和测试一个卡丁车. “The first-ever test of the go-kart ended in a massive failure,” Zhang said. “Not only has this journey been great for building my skills as a mechanic, 但它也让我意识到,你是在犯错中前进的.” He rebuilt and retested, successfully designing a go-kart exceeded speeds of 35 mph.


学生参与具有现实世界影响和影响的活动, 包括原创研究, 创意活动和社区服务项目.

案例研究: 韦布大学的学生们通过雷蒙德·M. 阿尔夫博物馆 of Paleontology, excavating fossils that spark original research. More than 50 papers co-authored by Webb students have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In the afternoons, students engage in fossil preparation and assist with museum operations.

“Students not only learn techniques for conservation of fossils – they learn these techniques from real experts in the field, 伟德BETVlCTOR1946真正的化石,博物馆馆长博士. 安迪·法克说. “It’s not just a class assignment – the dinosaur bone they glue together will end up in a museum collection and may even be published in scientific literature.”


类混合内容, 理论和活动创造学习经验, 不仅仅是信息的展示.


Perhaps nothing displays Webb’s distinctiveness more than the fact that every student at Webb is involved in our museum program — the only one of its kind in the world — 雷蒙德·阿尔夫古生物博物馆.

所有伟德BETVlCTOR1946学院的学生在九年级时都学习古生物学. All students journey into the field on a fossil expedition — unearthing specimens for serious scientific study. Students here who develop a passion for this work can continue their study in paleontology through our honors and Advanced Studies museum research program. Students conduct original research (and often publish it in peer-reviewed journals) under the direction of our faculty paleontologists.


伟德BETVlCTOR1946, we feel it is critical to provide opportunities for students to extend their education beyond our campus and classrooms through experiential programs and academic partnerships. We are pleased to offer students the chance to learn with faculty from Harvey Mudd College, 波莫纳大学, 加州大学河滨分校, 西部健康科学大学等. 了解更多


每个季节, Webb students may choose from a host of 下午的活动 to deepen their knowledge, 培养技能或表达自己. Official afternoon activities at Webb utilize the best of our on-campus resources, while also making use of our proximity to Los Angeles and the wilderness areas of Southern California.

项目涵盖了从机器人到辩论训练的各个领域, 博物馆研究到社区服务, 瑜伽年鉴, 从艺术工作室到剧院, 文学杂志到科学博览会研究实验室.


研讨会的日子 provide an opportunity to explore and celebrate intellectual curiosity beyond the classroom. By providing a forum for students and teachers to engage with new ideas that go beyond the traditional curriculum, 我们提倡跨学科的无界思维. Two such programs at Webb include the Men in the Arena for WSC students and 死Mulieres for VWS students.

Men in the Arena offers students and teachers a variety of active and reflective workshops that promote positive images of masculinity while dispelling negative cultural stereotypes.

死Mulieres, “妇女日”,” celebrates and explores the many facets of womanhood and the important issues facing women today. Most workshops are designed and presented by students, teachers, alumni and friends of Webb.
